# 17: Social Selling Part 2- Just Be Yourself

It’s been more than thirteen years since I joined Facebook.  I remember at the time thinking, “why does everyone want to know what everyone else is having for dinner?” I wonder if even Mark Zuckerberg could have foreseen what Facebook/social media would look like in 2021.

 But here we are. 

Social media gives us our news. It connects us with not just our friends, but with people who share common interests. It makes our world so much bigger.  

Even more interesting, is what social media has done for the workforce. It created a whole new sector I’ll call social selling.  Social selling is the platform that has legitimized and turned crafters, mlm’ers, affiliates- of just about any product or service you can think of- into independent business people.  And with that, social selling has also created experts who sell training on what to sell and how to sell it.

All of the success stories we see can make us feel empowered, but also pretty incompetent. We end up comparing our success to the perceived successes of others.  It’s an easy trap to fall into, and can make us do things that we normally wouldn’t do. 

Here’s what i believe though; success will come when you embrace your own uniqueness.  Instead parroting others who you think are successful, create your own content that reflects who YOU are. It’s important to watch what successful people do and learn from them regarding things like how often they post, or even how often they post about their business. Are they teaching, or are they offering a solution to a problem their audience has.  Learning these things will make you better.

But then create your own unique content surrounding what you’ve learned. Stop sharing memes and start sharing YOU! You’ll enjoy your business so much more, and your audience will too.


#18: This Is Your Year to (Finally) Make a Resolution and Stick to It.


#16: Social Selling Part 1- What Do I Say?