# 25: From Corporate Career to Entrepreneurship: 5 Midlife Business Opportunities to Explore

Picture this: you’ve been sailing along with your career for a couple of decades now. Maybe you’re on autopilot- you’ve built up some great PTO time, your kids are grown so you’re more comfortable dining out or upgrading your wardrobe more often, even taking more luxurious vacations. Then it hits you- you’re in midlife. And retirement is not something you’ve really thought about because it seemed like you’d have forever to plan for it. Now here it is, ringing in your ear like an alarm clock waking you from a dead sleep. Maybe you’ve been conservative with your spending and aggressive with your saving for decades, marking red “x’s” on the calendar since you were 35. Maybe, though, you have not managed to build that sizable nest egg. Or maybe, you actually enjoy working and don’t really want to slow down your pace and instead, aim to stay busy, challenge yourself, and generate income doing something you love. This is where starting a business can be an exciting option, especially since the digital age has opened up so many opportunities. Delving into your passions and interests is an excellent way to build a thriving business. Here are 5 midlife business opportunities you should consider- creating a business that not only pays you what you deserve, but one you’ll enjoy the heck out of doing.

Selling on Online Marketplaces

Do you have a passion for shopping? If you enjoy scouring thrift shops, here’s a business opportunity you’re going to thoroughly enjoy. Savvy shoppers are making a living by reselling on sites like eBay, Poshmark, and Mercari. This side hustle has the potential to become a full-time business, given that the majority of the process occurs in the comfort of your home. If you do your homework and get to know what sells, it’s not unusual to find, for example, an item from a popular brand like Anthropologie, for say, $5.99, and resell it for $60. Women who are looking for an additional revenue stream and are interested in building an online presence can easily jump into the world of reselling. The key here is to find items that will sell and to create a reputation with your customers.

Etsy Seller

For the craftier, artistic, and those with the skills to create digital resources, midlife business opportunities on Etsy are limitless. Etsy is a great platform to showcase your art and craft abilities to a broad target market. Etsy sellers can display an array of products, from vintage finds to handmade ornaments, custom jewelry, printables and digital downloads, and even pet clothing. The possibilities are endless. Setting up an Etsy shop requires little investment to get started. The key is to present your products as professionally as possible and to use digital marketing tools to improve your visibility.


If there’s something you like to do, and you think you’re pretty good at it, consider teaching others about it too! Consulting, coaching, training- these can be fun and very lucrative ways to make a living very much on your own terms. Over the years, you've built up a wealth of knowledge and expertise in your field, and maybe now it’s time to recycle that and share it with others. From Art to Zumba, the options are only limited by your imagination and willingness to figure out how to monetize it. Consulting really became a thing in the 90s, and it's evolved over time to a very legitimate way to be an entrepreneur. One of the benefits of consulting is that you can set your hours and work for as many or as few clients as you'd prefer.

Digital Influencer

Social media is a powerful tool for building a brand and increasing visibility. If you’re paying attention you’re probably seeing an ever-increasing number of women in middle stage of life creating names for themselves on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. They're creating content that speaks to people and generating revenues from sponsorships, advertisements, and brand endorsements. Entire Facebook groups are dedicated to women endorsing and sharing affiliate links to their niche market. Creating digital content on the topics you love can lead to exciting opportunities to monetize that audience.

YouTube Influencer

YouTube is another platform that can generate a decent income stream, especially if you have niche content. The beauty of YouTube is that you can create your content, whether that's recipes, makeup tutorials, travel vlogs, or reviews of your favorite products. You can leverage Google Adsense to earn a per click and monetize your channel via sponsored content or merchandise.


Building a business in midlife can seem daunting, but it's really the perfect time to do it. With experience under your belt, more time than ever before, and a wealth of talents waiting to be monetized, creating a company is more exciting than ever. The midlife business opportunities are unlimited, and with the advent of technology, literally anything is possible. Women can start online marketplaces, consulting services, and creating digital content on platforms like Instagram and YouTube. You have the power to transform your passions into a profitable income source that enables you to continue doing the things you love, on your terms, and on your schedule. Instead of being an ending, transitioning away from your corporate grind can be just the beginning you were looking for.


# 26: Ditching the Diets: How I Cracked the Code With Intermittent Fasting


# 24:Reclaiming Your Personal Style: A Midlife Transformation