#008: Pandemic Lessons Part 2

Imagine for a minute that you’re single.  You live alone or maybe have a roommate. All of a sudden your social life ceases to exist.  You’re no longer able to date. You can’t meet friends for dinner or an afternoon of shopping.  Even the government is recommending you stay away from your family. 

That’s social isolation.  And it’s exactly what has happened to single people.

The pandemic has had a huge effect on kids, working parents, teachers, healthcare workers, seniors, business owners, to name just a few. Something I had not given much thought to though, is how it has affected single people. 

Seeing as I’m married, yes the changes in our lifestyle and routines had an impact. But until recently, I didn’t really consider how difficult this has been for single people.  Now that I think about it, single people are probably some of the hardest hit by the pandemic.

According to Psychology Today, single people feel lonely and invalidated. They have no opportunity to date, and crave touch. What’s worse though, is people telling them how lucky they are to be single and not cooped up with people. To the single person, nothing about it feels lucky.

Let’s do what we can for our single friends. Let them know that you know it has not been easy for them. Become a good listener and don’t feel the need to offer advice or judge.  Just genuinely listen. Check in with them a little more often, and rather than text, maybe FaceTime or even Zoom with them.

The pandemic won’t last forever (God willing), so let’s do what we can to see our single friends through. Everyone needs human connection. 


#009: Bosses- Part 1


#006: Pandemic Lessons Part 1