# 23: Road Trip Bliss: Your Guide to Enjoying Car Travel for a Memorable Vacation

For as far back as I can remember, I’ve always loved a good road trip. Road trips with friends in my twenties, and vacation trips by car with 3 young kids. As empty nesters we take several short road trips each year, and we even did a year-long, cross-country rv trip. In this blog post, I've got all the tips and tricks you need to make your car travel experience the best one yet. So buckle up and let's dive in!

  1. Packing like a Pro: Let's start with the essentials, shall we? First up, snacks! Pack a variety of goodies like granola bars, nuts, fruits, and trail mix. Trust me, your aggravation factor will be so reduced when you have snacks in the car! No need to get off the highway, follow a sign that- 20 minutes later- neglected to mention that the store you were headed to for the “quick stop” was 11 miles off the highway. Next, don't forget to bring a cooler stocked with refreshing water and sandwiches or wraps. You’ll be so happy to have your favorite sandwich when you’re hungry. And for those lazy mornings, bring along breakfast bars, muffins, or pre-packaged oatmeal cups. Quick breakfast options to fuel your adventure.

Now, comfort is key during those long drives. Toss a cozy pillow and a snuggly blanket in the backseat. When the road starts to lull you into a nap, you'll be ready for some quality snooze time. Oh, and keep things tidy by packing some garbage bags, paper towels, and antibacterial wipes, too. No one likes a cluttered car or sticky hands!

  1. Entertainment Galore: Let's banish boredom together! Download your favorite e-books, audiobooks, or podcasts before you hit the road. When my kids were little I remember we listened to several of the Harry Potter books on a road trip and it was so enjoyable! It’s important download in case you’re in an area without wifi. Don’t underestimate this entertainment tip: it will keep you company and make the journey fly by. And what's a road trip without some good music? Create killer playlists filled with your favorite tunes or opt for themed playlists that match the mood and scenery along the way. Trust me, singing along to your favorite songs at the top of your lungs is incredibly liberating!

Now, let's get competitive with some classic road trip games. How about a game of "I Spy" or a trivia challenge? It may sound silly but a fun game my husband and I play in the car is - we pick a category and alternate naming the items in the category until someone can’t come up with an answer. British Rock Bands, Fast Food Establishments, and Fruits were just a few of the great and fun categories we’ve played. And don't forget the ultimate road trip game: spotting license plates from different states. These are all some of the surefire ways to keep everyone engaged and laughing together.

  1. Unveiling the Route: While reaching your destination is exciting, the journey itself is an adventure waiting to unfold. Do some research and find points of interest along your route. Check out scenic overlooks, historic landmarks, quirky towns, or jaw-dropping natural wonders. These detours will add a whole new layer of excitement to your trip, so be open to spontaneous exploration!

Remember to have offline maps handy, just in case you venture into areas with spotty network coverage. It's a lifesaver when you need to navigate without a hitch. And if you're feeling adventurous, take the road less traveled. Explore alternative routes to discover hidden gems and unexpected surprises along the way. Who knows what hidden treasures await?

  1. Saving Some Dough: Let's keep those travel costs in check, shall we? One fantastic money-saving tip is to turn to discount travel sites. Websites like Expedia, Booking.com, or Priceline often have fantastic deals on accommodations. When my daughter moved from South Carolina to Utah the two of us did a week-long road trip getting her out there, and Priceline saved us a ton on hotels. Snagging a great bargain means more money in your pocket for other fun activities along the way.

Eating out for every meal can drain your wallet, so packing your own snacks and meals will not only have you eating better, you’ll also have better control over what you’re spending on food. You can enjoy a scenic picnic or a cozy roadside meal without breaking the bank. And don't forget to scope out gas prices along your route. Apps like GasBuddy can help you find the cheapest fuel stops, saving you a few bucks for that extra scoop of ice cream.

Don’t be afraid to wander! Some of my most cherished memories are from road trips with my family. With these tips and tricks up your sleeve, you're well-prepared to embark on an epic car travel adventure. Remember to pack your favorite snacks, load up on entertainment, and be open to unexpected discoveries along the way. By planning your route, incorporating exciting stops, and being savvy with your spending, you're in for a road trip to remember. So rev up that engine, roll down those windows, and let the road lead you to unforgettable memories. Happy travels!

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Travel page for road trip itinerary ideas!

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# 24:Reclaiming Your Personal Style: A Midlife Transformation


# 22: My Mother’s Skirt