#004: 5 Ways to Get Next Level Skin

So.  You want to get your skin to the next level.

Let’s make a few assumptions first:

  • You don’t want a surgical intervention

  • You’re not going to get a weekly facial

  • You always take off your makeup at night

  • You’re not interested in needles, peels, microdermabrasion 

  • You don’t have an hour a day to spend on your skin


  • You want smaller pores

  • You want to neutralize redness

  • You want to diminish age spots/discoloration

  • You want brighter skin

  • You want your fine lines/wrinkles less prominent

  • You want a healthy glow

Here are five ways to elevate your skin without taking over all of your spare time or being so expensive you need a part time job to pay for it:

1. Wash your face twice a day. Washing in the morning removes the dead skin cells that turned over on your face overnight.  Washing at night removes makeup, dirt and oil production from the day.  Pro Tip: Avoid washing with hot water; it can make your skin dry, red, and irritated. Washing with cold/lukewarm water actually reduces redness and inflammation.

2. Use a good Vitamin C cream or serum.  Incorporating Vitamin C into your regimen has countless benefits including improving appearance of fine lines, lightens, brightens, improves light acne scarring, and improves tone, texture, and discoloration. Pro Tip: Use daily for best results.

3. Exfoliate. Exfoliating is an easy way to get a radiant glow.  As our skin cells turn over, dead skin can build up pretty quickly. Exfoliating can instantly reduce dullness and restore a dewy glow.  Pro Tip: Don’t exfoliate more than  1-2 times per week. Over exfoliating can lead to inflammation, skin irritation and breakouts.

4. Drink more water. Water keeps your body hydrated and helps your skin’s elasticity, prevent acne, reduces wrinkles and sagging skin. Pro Tip: Drink before you’re thirsty- waiting until you’re thirsty means you’re already dehydrated. 

5. Masques. Using a masque 1-2 times weekly has fantastic benefits including moisturizing skin, minimizes and unclogs pores, improves skin texture, and reducing the appearance of fine lines/wrinkles. Pro Tip: For best results, do your research and choose a masque intended for your skin type and concerns.

Incorporating these easy tips won’t overcomplicate your skincare regimen, but could be just the changes you need to get your skin to the next level.


#005: “I Look Like a Cheeto!”


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