# 27: Abandoning Perfection: The Midlife Shift Towards Realness

Oh, midlife. Whether you’re in the very early stages or firmly planted in middle age, one thing becomes quickly apparent to us all: midlife is a phase of transformation. As we reflect, grow, and rediscover ourselves, it becomes increasingly evident that the pursuit of perfection—something to which we’ve all aspired on some level in our lives—may not be all it's cracked up to be. In this blog post, I'll share why embracing imperfection and shifting towards authenticity can lead to a much more meaningful journey.

If I’m being honest, pursuing perfection has always stressed me out. The pressure I would put on myself to achieve something as unrealistic as perfection always made me feel anxious and inadequate. In my twenties and thirties, I felt so much pressure to be both a high performer at work and a mom who was as perfect a parent as stay-at-home, not-divorced moms. Looking back now, I realize that setting the bar impossibly high hindered my personal growth, prevented me from appreciating my achievements, and made me worry way too much about not being good enough in any area of my life.

Pursuing perfection also kept me from embracing my more creative side due to the fear of failure. That mindset stifled my creativity. There are many moments from my past when I allowed the fear of not being perfect to hold me back from pursuing creative endeavors I was passionate about. In midlife, though, I worry more about missed opportunities than perfection. I am much more of a risk-taker. I’m not afraid to try new things and actually enjoy the messiness of imperfection, caring much less about being seen in a certain light.

I’ve found midlife to be a time of reflection on my life experiences. Embracing my imperfections and accepting my mistakes have been incredibly valuable, contributing so much to my personal growth. I say “yes” to so many more things, but I'm also much less afraid to admit when something is not working for me and change course. Midlife has given me permission to be my true self, without fear of judgment.

In midlife, I’ve come to the conclusion that the pursuit of perfection loses its allure as the truth of who we are and what truly makes us happy becomes apparent. Perfection is an unattainable and exhausting goal that keeps us from growing and living our most authentic lives. Embracing imperfection offers a more vibrant and fulfilling path and allows us to navigate this phase of our lives with greater compassion for ourselves, deeper connections, and a newfound sense of joy and freedom. As the cracks in the facade of perfection widen, the bright light of authenticity shines through, illuminating the way to a more meaningful and rewarding midlife journey.


# 28: Midlife Imposter Syndrome: Recognizing the Signs and Finding Your Confidence


# 26: Ditching the Diets: How I Cracked the Code With Intermittent Fasting