# 29 Fall Forward: September is Great Time For a Fresh Start

As the sun sets on another summer - kids have returned to school, summer vacations are now fond memories, the colors are changing and the night air is a bit crisper - a familiar sense of change sweeps through the air. September arrives, bringing with it falling leaves, and the promise of fresh beginnings. It's a month that invites us to pause, reflect, and embrace the opportunity for a reset. For midlife women like myself, September is our second chance to thrive, and in this blog post, we'll explore how to seize it.

Embrace a Fresh Start with Weight Loss and Intermittent Fasting

The season change to autumn just feels like a perfect time for a restart. Over the lazy days of summer I was more lax with my intermittent fasting routines, but September has given way to my renewed commitment. Intermittent fasting, has benefitted me so much, both with weight loss and my overall health, that I’m resetting it as my compass for a healthy lifestyle.

The beauty of September is that it feels like the perfect time to reset my weight loss journey. The beauty of intermittent fasting is that it’s easy. I never really stopped, I just slacked. This is my month to recommit, to set achievable targets, and to enjoy how good I feel when I intermittent fast. It’s a continuation of my journey toward better health.

If you're considering rekindling your weight loss journey this month, here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Reevaluate your fasting schedule to align with your current lifestyle.

  2. Stock up on seasonal fruits and vegetables for nourishing meals.

  3. Seek support and share your goals with a friend or consider joining our Intermittent Fasting September Challenge to get support from others on the same path.

Pursuing Extra Income and Business Goals

In September, the pursuit of extra income and business goals takes center stage. Like the falling leaves, it's time to let go of hesitations and dive into our entrepreneurial ambitions. Even my own personal business goals receive a fresh dose of determination.

Why a Side Business? Earning extra income is not just a desire; it's a necessity for many midlife women. The financial landscape shifts, and we must adapt. A side business, whether it's freelancing, consulting, or selling a passion project, can provide the financial cushion we need.

September Side Business Strategies For those eager to launch a side business this September, consider these strategies:

  1. Identify your unique skills and passions to find the right business idea. Check out my blog post, From Corporate Career to Entrepreneurship: 5 Midlife Business Opportunities to Explore

  2. Create a business plan with clear goals and milestones.

  3. Begin marketing your services or products to a target audience.

Self-Care and Me Time: Prioritizing Your Well-being

September's arrival is akin to taking a deep breath of crisp, rejuvenating air. It's the perfect time to prioritize self-care and make space for "me" time. The lazy days of summer give way to a renewed focus on well-being.

In a world full of responsibilities, it's easy for self-care to take a backseat. However, self-care is essential for maintaining mental and physical health. By dedicating time to exercise, personal care, meditation, travel, or hobbies and other nurturing activities, we invest in our own vitality.

Creating Your Me Time Routine To integrate "me" time into your September restart, consider these steps:

  1. Schedule self-care activities on your calendar as non-negotiable appointments.

  2. Explore activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it's a nature walk, a spa day, or a good book.

  3. Take time to explore and refine your personal style. Check out Reclaiming Your Personal Style: A Midlife Transformation for inspiration.

September presents us with a unique opportunity to redefine our goals, rekindle our passions, and recharge our spirits. It's a second chance to thrive and make meaningful progress toward our dreams. Whether you're resetting your weight loss journey, pursuing extra income, or prioritizing self-care, remember that September's brisk winds carry the promise of renewal.

Together, let’s fall forward into a season of growth, and end the year proud of ourselves for all we’ve accomplished.


# 28: Midlife Imposter Syndrome: Recognizing the Signs and Finding Your Confidence